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Comments for Conflict Field Research https://conflictfieldresearch.colgate.edu A community dedicated to exchanging ideas and experiences about field research and ethics in conflict, post-conflict, authoritarian, and other difficult fieldwork settings, including contexts of systemic and symbolic violence. Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:22:30 -0400 hourly 1 Comment on Scholars Database by New Online Resource: Research in Difficult Settings « Erin Jessee :: oral historian / cultural anthropologist https://conflictfieldresearch.colgate.edu/scholars-database/#comment-2 Wed, 29 Apr 2015 15:22:30 +0000 http://conflictfieldresearch.colgate.edu/?page_id=23#comment-2 […] authoritarian, and other difficult settings. The resource consists of three main components: (1) a scholars’ database to promote networking among like-minded affiliates; (2) a working paper series containing long- and […]
