This workshop convened to discuss state-building in post-conflict environments and to focus on what is known empirically about the economic and political processes of state-building and the influence of aid. The starting assumption was that for all the current attention on state-building, we do not know very much about the effect of economic assistance and yet the current focus on greater policy coherence presumes we do.
In preparation for the workshop, several participants from academic and policy communities drafted memos for the group to discuss. These memos can be downloaded in PDF format below:
Blanca Antonini, 2008. State Building and Reconstruction.
Sunil Bastian, 2008. The New Love Affair with the State.
Andy Bearpark, 2008. Post-Conflict Reconstruction and State-building.
John Bevan, 2008. Arrested Development.
Carlos Castel-Branco, 2008. Economic Policy and State-Building.
Xavier Devictor, 2008. What Effect Does the Choice of Economic Strategy and Aid Policy Have on the State?
Miles Kahler, 2008. Aid and State-building.
Mushtaq Khan, 2008. Memo on State-Building, Economic Development, and Conflict Resolution: Insights from Palestinian State-building during the Oslo Period.
Richard Kozul-Wright, 2008. Lessons from the Marshall Plan.
Astri Suhrke, Aid Policy and State-building.